
[Kolompeh]12 is a post hoc site-responsive project about justice, in terms of proportionality and equity. A response to inclusiveness and fairness that centers copper fittings; as intersection of a dinner performance, Khalil, Kolompeh, and Preservation video piece.

The performance is a dinner that took place in an art gallery with twelve chairs and a table. Khalil and its friends cook the dinner. The main meal is an Iranian cuisine accompanied by a traditional Kermani dessert, Kolompeh, and black tea. I created an uninvited fictitious being, Khalil, a cat that cooked and served only for those that were sitting around the table fairly.

Intro to uninvited Khalil, digital painting, 2020

Khalil, an Irani cat, took copper fittings from the backyard of the Justice Hotel. The fittings were left in the garden when the hotel was at a renovation stage. Khalil brought them inside and prepared the dinner in twelve ceramic bowls. The bowl of lettuce, raspberry, pepitas, wheat, walnut, salt, and the copper fittings.

Persian Cat in dinner part detail.jpg
The Dinner

The fittings are corrosion-resistant in the water lead structure, in which they divide or join the water. In the shape of a 90° sweep elbow, 45° elbow, tee, and adapter, the copper fittings were abandoned from their practical identity in the backyard, where they neighbored plants and animals.

Evidence no .1, backyard, where the copper fittings were found. 2019

I have joined these encounters by etching cat faces and leaves on the fittings' body. Subsequently, I divided them by alphanumeric signs. Their peculiar visual characteristics can be divided into groups of گل, نظر , Cylinder Seal, Slot, Just Packed, Local Cat, and Preserved. This idiosyncratic grouping imposes a linear narrative of the video piece, Preservation.

Preservation is an 08'32" long video about acculturation due to displacement and isolation. The video animates these themes through the copper fittings. Premising to observe the tender isolation, the video’s narrative operates in an idiosyncratic vantage of the paraffined copper fittings. This seemingly firm delineation is a pivot to recognize remnants' displacement.

Preservation, 8’32” video, copper fitting, paraffin wax, soil, Music: Mara Beboos composed by Majid Vafādār and its lyrics by Haydar Reqābi (Hāla); sung by Hasan Golnarāqi (1957), 2020.


Preservation is an 08'32" long video about acculturation due to displacement and isolation. The video animates these themes through copper fittings that I found in the backyard of a renovated building.

The fittings are corrosion-resistant in the water lead structure, in which they divide or join the water. In the shape of a 90° sweep elbow, 45° elbow, tee, and adapter, the copper fittings were abandoned from their practical identity in the backyard, where they neighbored plants and animals.

I have joined these encounters by etching cat faces and leaves on the fittings' body. Subsequently, I divided them by alphanumeric signs. The video documents this corroded signalic visual identity that is isolated by paraffin wax.

Paraffin wax is a material that preserves fragile objects in modern archeological methods. The process of preservation of the copper fittings isolates their delicate identity. The paraffin wax layers the fittings' immediate physical accessibility, which is romanticized by Mara Beboos (Kiss Me) song. Hassan Golnaraqi sings: "Kiss me for the last time."

Mara Beboos is a kiss-goodbye poem. A kiss to a self-reflection in the moment of inaccessibility of communication; the goodbye. Haydar Reqabi telephoned the poem before going into exile due to the CIA coup d’état of 19 August 1953 in Iran.

Premising to observe the tender isolation, Preservation's narrative operates in an idiosyncratic vantage of the paraffined copper fittings. This seemingly firm delineation is a pivot to recognize remnants' displacement.


Kolompeh recipe is in the following:

Kolompeh sample.jpg

مواد لازم

شیر: یک پیمانه

زرده تخم‌مرغ: 2 عدد

آرد سفید گندم: 5 پیمانه

روغن جامد: 2 پیمانه

بیکینگ پودر:‌ نصف قاشق چای‌خوری

طرز تهیه

فر را روی دمای 180 درجه سانتی‌گراد گرم کنید

روغن را حرارت دهید سپس آرد را به آن اضافه کرده و هم بزنید

با استفاده از همزن، تخم‌مرغ‌ها را هم زده، آن‌ها را همراه با شیر و بیکینگ پودر به مخلوط درون ظرف اضافه کرده و خوب هم بزنید

بگذارید خمیری که آماده کرده‌اید تا 30 دقیقه،‌استراحت کند

  خمیر را روی سطح صاف آردی، با وردنه به ضخامت نیم سانتی‌متر پهن کنید و و با قالب گرد آن را قالب بزنید

بر روی یکی از لایه‌ها به اندازه یک قاشق سرصاف، از مخلوط خرما را بریزید و لایه گرد بعدی را بر روی مخلوط خرما قرار دهید و با انگشت دو لایه را به هم بچسبانید و با دست خمیر را پیچ دهید و با مهر شیرینی پزی روی آن را نقش بیاندازید

شیرینی‌ها را درون سینی مخصوص شیرینی پزی در قسمت میانی فر، بچینید و به مدت 20- 15 دقیقه آن‌ها را حرارت دهید تا طلایی رنگ شوند

مواد لازم برای مخلوط خرما

روغن جامد: نصف پیمانه

خرما: 500 گرم

گلاب: مقداری

طرز تهیه

پوست و هسته خرما را درآورده و خرما را پوره کنیدبه پوره، روغن و گلاب را اضافه کنید
توجه:‌ مخلوط میانی کلمپه باید آنقدر سفت باشد که به صورت خمیر درآید پس گلاب را به اندازه بریزید تا خمیر، شل نشود