Mahbubeh, Florescent Acrylic, Laval Bookcloth velvet flocked (velour), Iris Bookcloth, Rice Paper, 28 × 21 × 3 cm Publisher: Poor Farm Press, ISBN: 978-0-578-92914-9
I’m Spring Clouds of Smiles I Dance Around You Riz Riz, digital print, graphite and embossing on A5 paper size chapbook, 2023
Afew Hours Ahead
I can imagine safe future for the next two months
I talked to my mom
she said It’s the time to go to church
I called you
I’m broke and carrying my body is difficult
I know I’ll be alive
Robbed against invented futures that hold us safe
Our dangled ornamented sights
I have imagined futures that we can rest together
What is the life expectancy of plants, I asked.
How we tax a hydra-transforming organism
How exactitude enslaves oxy-betweenness
The revolution has begun
being together almost for a year
We should invent safety trust out of destitutions
And the plants insures around degraded us
I belong to sustainability of few days
I belong to the invisibility of next two rests
مناقصه توت و آیران
مرداد ۴۰۱
از بوس
با آستینهای بالا زدهی پیراهن مردانهات
با شانههای خالخالیِ پشمالویت
تا نوازش پوست زالات
منم اون یار شیرین اون یار با ناز.
عاشیق دیلتنگ دیلم اِو دیلباز ده.
قصه خواهش و خوشی
جیگر سفید توتی
خبر داری که تو چشمات توت تر داری
قرض توت سفید که به تهران آمدی
دامن میپوشیدی و میرقصیدی
جیگر خوش طعم توتی
مشعل زیباییهایت درخت توته.
شعله بغضِ سودت و سو ده.
جیگر سفید توتی
شروع سفید توتی
دستِ کشیده آغوشیام
فرود اشکهای خوشحالیم
دریاچه شده. دلخواه بیا.
به ازای چیکچیک آیران، ریز بیا.
بندَ یُخ دَن، یار یار یار.
یار یار یار.
an utterance that is asked to be typed written down or recorded the public action of abled touchings of the listening ear trichomes of learning and slowpassing humming knowledge the action of making the best refusal of a situation or resource
territorial snuggling on curves that contain all their limit points over their private boundaries
coloring utopic not-yet-conscientious negations⚔️
A and A’ are different norms of dominant culture(s). Their negations are toward potentiality of care and their are possible inventive intimacies.
asymmetric fluid public-key of skin’s hair
the floor scratches bounds traces the maximal
when pairing is possible
your fingers are called toes
in the visible universe
that the heavens are fluid
that the heavens carry with them all the bodies which they contain
the refusal standing
capable of failure
walking to the backyard
all of the ruins and dismantles
separated abundant altered and on the table
tracing pipings of the veins
some months days hours
the transmission
till here
sharp feathers
wet velvet resting fabric with embossing of what you loved holding in our feasted hand.
carrying sweet sweats
joins our skins
irrigates our hairs
we are together
2:40 till 3:07
“I am part of living maps that have embraced me since 1894 Ma'ayob al-rijal the new spelling of worlds world worlds of the search for love continues even in the face of great odds sandals of care letters of prayers of the stones I hold in my plural mouth walking learning.”
Here, It’s Healing Time, Follow My Hair, Healing Wet Chest
Align the twisted hairs
with budding long spits
endearing palpable wools
curlie tiqtiqie curves
wounding tuft tips
at chest’s forests’ crossroads
velvet resting ghosts
have oriented scattered healing licks
aleph zero, furry trace
countable, skin stretched licks
one, counterclockwise grace
some, medinas’ beneficiary licks
Irrigate my hairy breasts
un bearable granular skins
a tactile growth whirl
Plug the polymorphic tail
paraffin wax and colour pigment of horse tie down ring on digital printed paper on the ground